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Divi Theme Examples
I frequently get asked who designed my blog and what theme I use. And I’m always happy to reply that I love Divi from Elegant Themes.
Until recently, I’ve just liked Divi. The awesome features like drag and drop modules, saved and preloaded templates and specialty sections have all been huge time savers for me. But a few weeks ago I discovered that Divi was much more powerful than I ever imagined!
Divi has the ability to A/B testing right in the theme! And it has a visual builder too – which makes blogging and writing posts SO much easier!
I was about to pay another service to do A/B testing on my blog and almost committed to a monthly payment of over $25, just for A/B testing! Now if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just read on, I have visuals to explain all of this.
But I just wanted to give you a quick overview why I’m so in love with the Divi blog theme. Really, this makes blogging easy and fun!
You can easily layout text, images, call to actions, buttons, quotes and blurps exactly as you want. You don’t have to worry about strange formatting or things being off center. Divi makes it super easy to go from a 2 sided layout, to a full width, to 3 items in a row or more. You have the ability to create something truly beautiful online, and not just a white screen with text.
Divi allows my artistic side to shine through easily. And I’m not even that artsy, I’m much more of an engineered mind, so the straight lines and ease of using this theme are even more appealing.
I didn’t realize this until recently, but you can change the name of the item – so instead of calling it “Image”, you can name it “Blog by Number ebook cover” so you can easily see what goes where.
Insert Columns Easily
I love how easy the Divi Theme switches from a full-width row, to a two, three or four column layout. This allows you to keep the reader engaged and interested in your website. Instead of just a sea of text, they experience a beautiful and interesting blog post that transforms in front of their eyes.
You even have the ability to insert specialty columns (see below). This would pretty much be impossible to do with a regular WordPress theme because you know your blog post will look all discombobulated when you hit publish. 🙂
Predefined and Saved Layouts
How cool is this? Once you create a beautiful blog post masterpiece, you can save it, and reuse that layout for a future page. You can see that I did this will all three of my sales pages.
I created the Blog one first, and then saved and reloaded it for my other two sales pages. Slightly changing a few modules, images and text. I love that this gives my site a uniform feel and helps to build my brand.
Or you if your artistic abilities are lacking, you can use Divi’s predefined layouts! They have so many to choose from! Just look at the quick glimpse of predefined layouts below.
Huge Variety of Modules
Another feature I love about the Divi theme is the amount of amazing and useful modules they have. From a countdown timer, to a call to action button, to a shop module, or email optin. You can see the accordion module working on this page where I list over 170 mom bloggers.
These modules make creating beautiful pages easy and fun. And I’m always testing a few new ideas on posts, so this allows me to truly be as creative as I want to be.
Visual Builder
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I didn’t see this earlier! I’m always procrastinating updating plugins and themes, so I finally did, and this little image popped up! I can use a visual builder on my Divi theme!
I know many bloggers who love the beauty of seeing their blog be created right in front of their eyes. And I do too! We are such visual creatures. So if the backend of WordPress is just too boring and hard to navigate, you can use the Visual Builder from Divi to make edits and changes to your blog post right on the screen!
I can type right on the screen and change the text, image or layout! I can drag the module to be larger or smaller creating more white space.
I know this one feature alone is worth the investment of the Divi theme!
A/B or ABCDEFG Testing
Okay, now I may be getting a bit technical and geeky, but this is ridiculously cool! (in the voice from Zoolander) In the Divi theme you have the ability to A/B test ANYTHING on your blog post. Wait, what? I still haven’t even used this to its full potential!
What is A/B testing? It’s displaying different optins or layouts to different visitors, analyzing their actions and engagement, and finally picking the layout that converts the highest. Basically, you’re trying to design the optimal experience for your readers.
For example, below you see the second version of my homepage (version B). Some users see this homepage when they go to
I actually created three different optins on my homepage to test. So I am doing ABC testing 🙂 You can add as many different tests as you want! And you can have multiple per page.
Below is an image of the backend of my home page. It shows all three rows that I’m A/B testing. And it also shows the conversion percentages per row.
Then after a week or so of running your A/B tests, you can go into your split testing statistics, and choose your winner!
Clearly, my second row is converting the highest at 5.6%. I’ll end the split test and pick the winner. And voila, Divi just helped me make more sales!
But Divi is Pricey and Expensive
Yes, I know, as a beginning blogger Divi is more expensive than other static WordPress themes. My journey when I started blogging began with a free WordPress theme. And after 3 months I took the plunge and invested in the Divi theme because it allowed me to create beautiful landing pages that convert like magic!
If you are serious about growing your blog and business, the investment is definitely worth it. Along with the Divi theme, you get access to 87 other beautiful themes too! Below is a quick preview of the other themes you also get when you purchase Divi.
When I switched from a free WordPress theme to Divi I signed up for the Developer plan. I wish I did the Lifetime Acess because that is exactly what I’ll do when my year is over.
Divi has continued to impress me with their new features and amazing capabilities. The A/B testing alone has saved me hundreds per year and helped me make more money by using optins that convert higher. That alone is worth the Divi investment.
I’ve given you an overview of how I use Divi, but click here to see how other’s use Divi too! The visuals are stunning!
If you’re convinced Divi is the right theme for you, click here and get started!
And bonus, I just went into my account to upgrade it, and my current subscription of $89 counts towards the Lifetime Access price. So yes, I will be upgrading right now!
Questions? Comment below!
Again, if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below!
I can’t wait to see what beautiful, high-converting blog posts you create as you fall in love with the Divi theme as much as I did.
I have the metabolism of a sloth and a body that hates putting on muscles. This curse motivated me to study weight loss and nutrition. I want to share my experiences and knowledge to help you achieve your ideal body.